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Showing posts from June, 2018

The results are in

The two weeks between the IUI and the bloodwork pregnancy test feels like it lasts forever, time just seems to drag. I found an article that talks about the stages you go through during these two weeks, and it’s is spot on! I couldn’t have described it any better! During that two-week period, we found out that 2 of our friends were pregnant, and it felt like God had become Oprah. With His arms stretched out pointing and screaming “you get a baby, you get a baby” meanwhile I was sitting on my couch watching all this unfold, watching everyone else get their amazing gifts. I was so incredibly happy for them, but on the inside I was devastated, I wanted so badly what they were getting.     It’s Sunday! Finally, it’s the week we find out if the last IUI worked! Only a few more days to wait!! We just had to make it to Wednesday! We had to wait until Wednesday for the blood test results. Every night during those 2 weeks, I’d go to bed and tell myself, ok, when I wake up tomorr...

Break's over

February 2018, we’re back at it again. We began the appointments for the 4 th IUI, and I’m reminded of how nice it was to have a break, how much is was needed, and how good it was for the both of us to just have some time away from all of it. Because of our new-found strength and positive mindset, we went into this one with a different outlook. We felt good about this one. We felt good about all of them, but this one was different, this time we had some insight that “everything will be alright” so we held on tight to that promise.   We kept telling ourselves this one would work, that we would get pregnant this time. I felt like I knew when my appointments would be, and how things would go. I’d done 3 other IUIs and had been to the doctor 100 times at this point, so I kind of had a good idea, of when they would be. So I thought. Throughout this process the doctors would take note of how my body reacts to the medicines and would tweak things a bit each time to help increase th...