The two weeks between the IUI and the bloodwork pregnancy test feels like it lasts forever, time just seems to drag. I found an article that talks about the stages you go through during these two weeks, and it’s is spot on! I couldn’t have described it any better! During that two-week period, we found out that 2 of our friends were pregnant, and it felt like God had become Oprah. With His arms stretched out pointing and screaming “you get a baby, you get a baby” meanwhile I was sitting on my couch watching all this unfold, watching everyone else get their amazing gifts. I was so incredibly happy for them, but on the inside I was devastated, I wanted so badly what they were getting. It’s Sunday! Finally, it’s the week we find out if the last IUI worked! Only a few more days to wait!! We just had to make it to Wednesday! We had to wait until Wednesday for the blood test results. Every night during those 2 weeks, I’d go to bed and tell myself, ok, when I wake up tomorr...
"The most incredible thing about miracles, is that they happen." - G.K. Chesterton